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A World With No People

A World With No People

A Stop Motion Project

A third year project exploring film and video with the absence of humans. 


Considering the development of the digital age, it is becoming increasingly possible to exist as humans without physicality. This thinking got me interested in expressing a virtual world with no people in it through the form of video games. 


What happens to all of the personalised characters once a games gets discontinued? 


In the current Meta Age, we can so easily express ourselves virtually, this project demonstrates the abandonment of video characters who have become obsolete by using a collapsed coded game background and unidentifiable game characters. 


The repetitive nature of this project is the reflect the break down of the games code, there is no longer a story line, no longer a life worth living. 


As digital technology advances, customised and personal characters get left behind in games.. to do what? 

Final Outcome

Intro: Second Head

Kit Gordon Second Head music video

Music video for Kit Gordons opening song to upcoming album 'Second Head'. I was tasked to create a contrasting feel of chaos and stillness using digital memories and experiences along with 360 footage and small bits of ML. I conducted an interview with Kit where he said: “This song is the introduction to ‘Second Head’, a body of work that represents transition. The introduction for me depicts the balance of stillness and chaos and the incoming restless states I find myself stuck in when creating”.

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