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Dissertation Exploration
Designed copy of my dissertation

An essay on Videography, Installation and Digital effects to comment on the digital identities in the modern century.

We as a planet, are in the midst of a global pandemic, and are still feeling the effects. It is no surprise that we evolved to fit a new norm, the same way that we evolved bipedalism, the ability to walk on our feet to be able to hunt to survive. Humans in the digital revolution require adaptations the same way in order to keep up with ever moving technology and environments. Especially with a pandemic to consider, it almost acted as a catalyst in the reaction which is digital technology. It is all about survival in the relevant time era.


This essay is about the digital connections created over the last decade and the challenges posed by the pandemic. I have explored the extent this new world has had on our physical lives; both in respect of brand and individual identities. 


As a result of the topics explored in this essay, I have created a supportive video composing of it's contents. The concept is the view the entire contextual report purely on different forms of digital media to support the idea that as humans we are converting in digital beings rather than just physical. 

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