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A Digital Rebirth - A Digital Contact List - Installation Accessories

A Digital Rebirth

Exploring the possibility of digitally immortalising the deceased in a 3D form.


Animated Blender model using the process of stitching textures from pre-existing images to allow the grieving to see loved ones in 3D once again.


Edited to an audio of my Dad's voice in conversations.


I have previous 3D modelling people who are still alive by taking a collection of pictures of them but is it possible to also digitally immortalise someone who has died in this way? This was a core value for me, and something that emotionally, I really connected with as I have lost my Dad and I am only able to keep him alive through past photographs, memories and his legacy. But with the increasingly digital way of living that we have entered, our digital footprint will no doubt be maintained forever, and even more so in the future. I wanted to explore how someone can be reborn in a digital image while not being alive to reproduce this footprint themselves.

A Digital Contact List

As part of my Video Installation, I created Blender Models made to explore a proposed redesign of the traditional contact list, considering the development of social media languages and 3D visuals in the digital world.


More and more we communicate through emojis, abbreviations, memes.. that it is becoming a possibility that the future of design could be dialect free.


The redesign of the contact list put the 3D model as the predominant feature rather than the name creating a much ore visual way of depicting your contact list.

Blender Models for Installation purposes

A set of 3D modelled and printed heads to accompany my 3D work - A digital Contact List - and to aid the aesthetic of my Installation work. 


Made during a project exploring the difference between our digital and our physical selves. 3D models digitally modelled in Blender to explore the process it takes from going from physical to digital to physical again. (Photographing physical people, digitally modelling them in Blender, printing physical models of those people.)

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